
  • 1880 - Ivan Ferlez starts the milling tradition
Ferlez Karl's old mill.
  • 1938 - Ferlez Karl senior upgrades the mill with two water turbines
Ferlez Karl's upgraded mill.
  • 1953 - reconstruction of the wheat mill. This is the point when first ideas of Ferkar mill were put on paper
  • 1956 - first Ferkar mill prototype
  • 1958 - Ferkar mills in production line where the energy consumption was lowered for 50%
  • 1959 - first serial production of the Ferkar mills
Ferlez Karl and Ferkar mill
  • 1963 - sale of the 300th Ferkar mill in Europe - Ferlez Karl senior standing by the machine.
  • 1965 - first use of Ferkar mill for coffee and spice grinding applications keeping 100% of aroma thanks to air recycling
  • 1983 - serial production of stainless steel Ferkar mills starts
  • 1986 - development of the rotors for cutting without powder - grinding tee and herbs
  • 1988 - sale of the 100th Ferkar mill in stainless steel in Europe
  • 1993 - whole wheat mill using only Ferkar mill for grinding is built in container
  • 1996 - first Ferkar mill sold to USA
  • 2000 - Ferkar mills are sold worldwide
Ferlez Karl by Ferkar 18

Current production

Ferkar mills are made using high quality materials in compliance with international standards.

Our machines are appreciated for precision, accuracy, finish and quality.

Laser cut Ferkar parts

Parts are cut using laser cutting technology.


Ferkar mill is of a lightweight welded industrial strength construction.

Poweder Coating

Carbon steel Ferkar mill parts are powder coated.